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Jan 7th RUMOR: Iron Maiden ready?

Iron Maiden will play Roskilde 2007 the band said during the concert they played in Aalborg in November.

This rumor comes from fans who saw the concert. Did you see the concert? Can you confirm this? Drop us a line at [email protected].

Jan 3rd RUMOR: Reunited The Police af Roskilde 2007?

A dansih newspaper fantasizes about seeing af reunited The Police at this years festival. Here at University Radio Copenhagen we are a bit sceptical on the realism in this, but it would be a cool experience. British media speculates that the band could be a high profile headliner at either Glastonbury og Isle Of Wight Festival.

Dec 27th RUMOR: Red Hot Chili Peppers?

Eventhough there has not been many rumors on the 2007 festival we have stumpled upon this one: A danish newspaper claimed early december, that the festival was negotiating with Red Hot Chili Peppers (US). The festival spokesman Esben Danielsen did not wish to comment on the rumor.



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